Google Analytics

Provide instant integration of the great entirely mobile friendly web pages you have just crated or are about to create with the most popular online tracking platform – Google Analytics - with the easy and powerful Google Analytics extension for the Mobirise Mobile Web Builder – the easiest free offline responsive web builder without even writing a single line of code.

Completing a simple and straightforward routine narrowing down to just copy/pasting a few lines as you did many times before with the Google Analytics extension for Mobirise Builder you can gain the power of keeping track of the exact audience your page receives like demographical data, times of the day it's been visited, from which places came the visits and even more – be able to actually track in real time who's viewing your page – right now.

And there is more – the extension is called Google Analytics by the most popular Tracking platform around but it actually is so flexible you can use it for embedding the tracking code from any platform around so if the big G is not your personal favorite you can as easy use the services of Bing, baidu or whatever – any tracking script can be easily incorporated in the great responsive pages you have already created with Mobirise. 

In order to add the Google Analytics extension to your Mobirise Builder application just go to the Extensions and Themes section located at the bottom of your main Mobirise menu, scroll down to find it and click to add – it's free. Next in order to make use of it head back to your main menu, click on Sites to expand the list of the recent sites you were working on and locate the site you need to use the extension for. Make sure it's the current site you're working on and access it's settings by clicking on the green rear icon appearing over the site's thumbnail once you hover over it with your mouse. Once you've accessed your site's Settings panel you'll see a field called Google Analytics at the bottom. Now head to the Google analytics platform – you can easily access it with your regular Google account, head to the Admin section and from the Account dropdown select the Create new account option. Answer the few simple questions filling up the fields and click the Get Tracking ID button making sure you have also accepted the Google's terms and conditions. Next just copy the universal tracking code from the next page and paste it inside your project's Google Analytics field. That's it – as easy as that you can now benefit from all the detailed analysis the tracking service has to offer with your bright new totally responsive web page made with Mobirise Builder – for free.

If you're a bit more advanced user you can also take benefit of this great extension using it to include in your Mobirise projects any of your favorite scripts along with the tracking ones – just paste them in and have them placed right in front of page's tag of every page you have in your project – no matter newly inserted or already existing.

Mobirise is a free website builder, and you can use it for your commercial and non-profit sites with no limitations.